
Matteo Totaro

Barcelona - October 2019

I visited the catalan capital with two of my closest friends a few months ago. Gaudì has literally affected every inch of this city with his influence. Among various activities, we visited Casa Battlò, Parc Güell, Sagrada Familia and the Castell de Montjuïc reached by cableway. View from Castell de Montjuïc

Amsterdam - October 2018

I went to Amsterdam almost two years ago and I hope I'll visit it again as soon as possible. As someone says, it's the Venice of the Northern-Europe. Me and a friend booked the ticket and the hostel just the week before, so I can say it wasn't the cheapest trip we've ever done. Church in Amsterdam Everyone's calm and minds their own business, unlike in Italy.

Venice - April 2017

Almost three years ago I went to Venice, Italy for my second time and as always I shot lots of photos. It is a magical city, especially if you visit it with someone special to you. In fact I wasn't alone 'cause it's a city only visited by couples but, for reason left to the understanding of the reader, the following pics represent the beauty of just the city itself.