About Me

I love photography, in fact this website was built to create a personal space in the vast web to public parts of my albums in order to give them more glory and credit. Also I wanted to save them from the conversion-alghoritms of social media.

This static site has been built in a month more or less with the open source framework Hugo during april 2020, when the entire world was quarantined at home, so I took this time to focus on personal projects exactly like this one you're reading.
The main goal of this space is to publish my previous and future projects so the pictures will be put up just like they are, with the purpose to create a sort of personal museum to observe the evolutionary process over time.
I tried to find a compromise between photo quality and loading speed of the website, I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Selfie in a beach-house near the county of
Cardiff, Wales (11/2016)

Last page update: 10th March 2024
